The sixth -- second to last! -- piece in my My Furry Family series is complete. This one is based on a young feline who is handsome and he knows it. He is brother to my little runt kitten but belongs to my parents, just like the Batman kitty I introduced to you a couple posts ago.
Without further ado, here is my rendition of this handsome fella:
I call this piece "Blue Steel", after the male model pose in the Ben Stiller comedy Zoolander. |
My family has referred to this little guy as a male model since the day we met him. He likes to pose for us, and he likes to squint his eyes at cameras, making for some dashingly sultry shots. As mentioned above, this little kitty's classic pose is much like the squinty-eyed model pose called Blue Steel in the movie
Zoolander. Therefore, in honor of this little guy's natural model skills, I call this piece "Blue Steel".
I have only one furry member of the family left to draw! I can't wait to work on this final piece and therefore more or less close out this fun series of drawings.
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