A couple of posts ago I showed you the first ever mixed media art tag that I completed. Since then I've been experimenting with a few new products and techniques, and with these I've created some more art tags. I had a lot of fun in the process, and here are the results of that fun:
I think I've truly found a new love in creating these mixed media art tags. They allow me to create fun little drawings and experiment with fun collage techniques. What's more, I'm happy to be practicing a lot of recycling/upcycling with these, using scrap cardboard that I cut into the size and shape of tags. And the paper onto which I drew the images is simply from the pages of old books I've had sitting around for ages. Even the little decorative dots you see on the tags are recycled/upcycled, as I acquired these using nothing but my trusty hole puncher and some empty yet pretty Kleenex boxes.
I hope you like my art tags so far! I've got plenty more of them in the works, so stay tuned!
I hope all you bloggers out there are having a wonderful weekend!